This is your Time to Shine! ๐Ÿ”†

Welcome to the BlueHAT HIVE - your safe space to grow your business

The BlueHAT HIVE is your safe space to start experimenting and applying new marketing ideas before launching your new offer.

Why did we create The HIVE?

Because it reflects the story behind what we call the Wandering Bees who unlike the 80% of other bees DON'T follow instructions and directions.

These Wandering Bees scatter the fields for new potential and possible sources of pollen and nectar. They are the innovators and creators of change.

Just as you are as an innovator in your field aspiring to make an impact on our world with your thought-provoking new offers.

What's inside the HIVE?

  • Weekly group calls covering offer launches

  • Articles to help improve as a startup and as a leader

  • Our insights into where the world of business is going

  • Tool reviews to guide you make the best choices

  • Leaders Forum for you to share with others

  • Accountability group to be by your side

  • and so much more

What's in it for you?

You get shortcuts to help you launch your next offers faster with us by your side.

You get to see how we work before joining our paid programs.

You get a safe space to discuss and experiment with ideas before you actually launch your next big offer.

You share thoughts and insights with like-minded online entrepreneurs to propel you to growth faster.

You benefit from our over 30 years experience in launching new online offers for ourselves and for our more than 7000 clients so you can avoid the costly mistakes others do.

What's the Spirit of the HIVE?

As individuals, we all have a purpose to fulfil.

As a business, we have clients to impact.

The current chaos doesn't allow for traditional approaches to flourish anymore. We need new ideas and new ways to create a business and enable it to grow.

Most online entrepreneurs, either by lack of experience or because they blindly follow others, are not able to reinvent what must be. They're stuck in stale formulas that no longer work.

You and I are the innovators who are seeking and exploiting these new ways of doing business in a disrupted world.

We are not afraid of making mistakes as we know that is the only way to improve and ultimately grow. We do this with intent so we can uncover what actually works and gets the results we know our business deserves.

Our main focus is the impact we have on our clients. They always come first. We listen to them, gather feedback and continuously improve our offers to help them grow.

We are waiting for you to join us.

Are you ready?

See you inside the Hive.

John Higham
Founder of BlueHAT
Creator of The HIVE

The BlueHAT Manifesto

Here's the link to a video I created about my vision. I call it from Bees to Business and it is my manifesto for what I hope this community will bring to you.

Join our Movement to impact your world.

John Higham
Founder of BlueHAT
Creator of
the HIVE